Attention Men and Women Struggling with Hair Loss or Thinning: Worried that Everyday Stress is "Eating Away" at Your Hair?
"The Hair Loss and Thinning Stopped in just 4 days!"
The first people to test this never-before-seen hair growth remedy couldn't believe the results... that's when we knew we HAD to share it with the world!
Our clients had nothing but tears of joy in their eyes after submitting these pictures
For men and women that want to stop hair loss and thinning ASAP, and see thick, new baby hairs in as little as 7 weeks... we are thrilled to introduce:
Noor Super Serum - the best kept secret of an international hair chemist - Now available to all!
People everywhere are raving about this Hair Growth Serum
  • Stops hair loss and thinning completely in 4 days

  • Fights the REAL cause of hair loss and thinning

  • Helps regrow hair lost due to COVID

  • Helps recover hair lost due to high blood pressure

  • New baby hairs visible in 7 weeks. Guaranteed.

  • Works regardless of age

  • Works regardless of genetics

  • Works for men AND women. For any type of hair.

Blessed by God: How We Found a Hair Growth Serum So Powerful We Couldn't Believe it.
“Her hair loss and thinning stopped completely in 4 days...”

That's what our new business partner, Edison, told us over the phone.

His client was suffering from COVID. Losing her hair! But this made everything better in 4 days.

We couldn't believe it - how is it possible to stop hair loss and thinning hair SO FAST?

"Listen to me," Edison continued.

I've been a hair stylist for 20 years, and this is the first product I've ever created that I keep selling, month after month.

I can't keep up with the demand. Men and women are going crazy for this... because it WORKS!

Our mission at Noor is to bring you only the highest quality hair care solutions, so believe us, we were still skeptical.

Until Edison showed us the before and after photos of his clients.
Maria's part filled in within 3 months
The before and after photos were incredible.

Women and men losing big bunches of hair only lost a few strands after using this SUPER SERUM.

In only 4 DAYS!!!

People with fine, thin hair quickly saw thicker edges... and new baby hairs sprouting within 7 weeks of use!

Edison told us that the scalp has 7 layers of skin, so for NEW hair to appear, it takes 7 weeks of consistent use.

That's why we highly recommend you subscribe and save big, or stock up on 3-4 bottles.

Because WOW, after 4 months of use, the results blew us away. just look at the picture! amazing!
John feels much more confident with his new scalp
The details behind what makes it so effective are below. It's an extremely complicated organic formula... but don't worry if you don't want to read.

Because we know it works to grow hair extremely fast, and that's all that matters.

And even though we already have a regular hair serum that our customers know and love.....

We couldn't pass up an opportunity like this. WE HAD TO MAKE THIS SUPER SERUM AVAILABLE.
It's finally available but we only have 87 in stock
So we started negotiating with Edison and his team. It took months. They wanted to sell it under their own brand, but we knew we had to add it to the Noor line.

And after many late night calls with Edison, we are very proud to announce that we have made this SUPER SERUM available under the Noor brand.

The bad news is that we were only able to purchase 750 bottles for our initial batch.
Edison wanted us to buy more, but the manufacturing cost was very high due to the high quality of the formula and ingredients.

So we only bought 750, and they quickly sold out.

The good news is we have recently restocked, but we only have about 87 bottles left.

So if you want to be one of the first people to try this breakthrough serum, which the beauty industry has never seen, we urge you to subscribe and save, to reserve your bottles of the 87 available.

This special internet-offer is only available for this batch, so please don't miss it. It will be your only chance to get this SUPER SERUM with massive savings.

And since it will probably sell out, it will take at least 3 months to have another batch in stock.

Enjoy and don't miss this opportunity to get back the hair you love... fast!
Take Action Today - 180 Days Monday Back Guarantee, No Questions Asked!
The best part about investing in Noor today is that there is absolutely no risk. That's right, we offer a 180-day, no-questions-asked money back guarantee.

That's how confident we are in our products!

So go ahead and see if Noor is still available, to take advantage of our incredible guarantee. Although I recommend acting quickly. This batch will be sold out very soon.
IMPORTANT: Harvard Researchers Just Discovered the REAL Cause of Hair Loss and Thinning (it's not what you think)
The reason Noor Super Hair Growth serum works so well is because it combats the newly discovered cause of hair loss and thinning that 99% of people don't know about.

Here's how Jessie discovered it. The story begins at 9:04am on a mundane Monday. A stressful work day for most of us... but especially stressful for Jessie.

"I wish I had a different Dad.. this is all his fault!!"

Looking into the mirror with despair, these thoughts and excuses clouded Jessie's mind.

Jessie's father experienced thinning at 27, and was completely bald by 29.

"There's nothing I can do. I'm doomed to go bald just like my dad," Jessie thought.

Jessie's thinning hair wanted to scream through the mirror. "That's right! You're about to lose me and it's all thanks to genetics!"

"No! We are NOT done here!"

Jessie yelled at the mirror, put on a cap to hide what hair was left, and rushed out of the bathroom.

The usual thoughts and feelings of humiliation plagued Jessie on the way to work.

"Do people think I'm old?"

"Do people think I'm sick?"

"Do people think I'm unattractive?"

Do people think I'm less qualified at my job than someone with a full head of hair?

For Jessie, it felt like the thinning hair and hair loss was a flashing neon sign that the "good part" of life has finally passed by.

So let me be the first to tell you...
Thinning and receding hair does NOT mean that you're "getting older", or that you're unattractive, or that you're not the man or woman you used to be...
All it means is that you haven't heard about the Harvard Study done in 2021 that reveals the REAL cause of hair loss and thinning, and how to combat it!
And before you say it...

NO, it's NOT genetics!

It's actually something researchers are calling "secret stress".

I'll explain what it is in just a moment...

But first, Jessie had tried just about everything to regrow thicker, fuller, longer hair...

Minoxidil, oils, lasers, and every DIY natural routine in the book.

But nothing worked! The thinning and hair loss persisted...

so Jessie made a decision to find the root cause of the problem, no matter what.

Hair growth books and magazines were read cover to cover in a frenzy. Many videos and tutorials were watched online in hopes that "this would be the one"

And of course, Jessie searched the internet for hours as if it was a full-time job.

And after days of getting nowhere...

Jessie finally found a "hidden" article on the 7th page of the search engine.

It was a breakthrough study from Harvard University on the real cause of hair loss and thinning.

At first Jessie couldn't read it because you had to pay, but Jessie found a way after clicking around a bit.

And WOW! This little article would change Jessie's life...
"Secret Stress" - The thinning hair culprit nobody knew existed
Everyone knows stress is a major reason for hair loss and thinning...

But what you probably don't know is that that's only the tip of the iceberg.

See, just a few months ago Harvard researchers learned about "Secret Stress"...

It's kinda like "built up stress" from the pressures of life.

Most people don't even know they have it... but the truth is that it DESTROYS the hair.

This "secret stress" puts the follicles in a dormant, sleeping state.

Making growth impossible, and causing more thinning and hair loss than is normal.

Even if you THINK you don't have secret stress, you probably do.

But don't worry, it's actually quick and easy to combat it... to reactivate thicker, fuller hair growth... fast!

Now, if you'll let me, let me explain!
How Noor Super Serum Combats "Secret Stress" to Slow Hair Loss and Reactivate Growth
 (4 Ancient Ingredients Proven by Science)
Super Serum Nutrient #1 - Pantothenic Acid
Also called VitaminB5, this amazing compound is found in Rosemary, which is why Rosemary has been used as a hair growth remedy for thousands of years. Because remember, the key to getting back thicker, longer hair is to combat "secret stress" to reactivate hair growth.

And new research in the Alternative Medicine Review proves just that! The research tested how various natural solutions combat secret stress. The paper covered everything imaginable, from far east asian plants to ancient Indian solutions. But one compound stood head and shoulders over the rest...
Yup, that’s right. Pantothenic Acid. The research cited multiple Japanese studies that suggest something incredible: This little-known compound helps support balanced Adrenal Gland (the gland responsible for secret stress!) Which will put the follicles back in the “active” state and reactivate thicker, fuller, hair growth… fast! But that's not all...
See, a totally different group of  researchers ran a clinical trial on 73 people struggling with hair fall and thinning hair. Of the 73 people, 20 were given Pantothenic Acid. they took it for 4 months… And when the results came back, the researchers were astonished. They found that people in the Pantothenic Acid group experienced the biggest increase in hair thickness… even more than minoxidil!
Super Serum Nutrient #2 - Ginkgo Biloba
Japanese scientists have recently discovered that this strange plant helps to regrow hair. It is from China, which is why many Chinese people do not suffer from hair loss or thinning. The reason it works is because it increased blood flow to the scalp. More blood to the scalp = more hair growth. This is what makes his exotic plant so effective. There is no other hair growth serum on the market that has Ginkgo Biloba. Only Noor's Super Hair Growth Serum!
Super Serum Nutrient #3 - Linoleic Acid
Found in pumpkin seeds, recent research is showing that Linoleic Acid has a more powerful DHT blocker than minoxidil or anything else on the market. Studies have found that it is 47% MORE effective than minoxidil in blocking hair loss, without the negative side effects!
Super Serum Nutrient #4 - Cinnamomum Zeylancium Bark
This rare form of raw cinnamon is found in Southeast Asia, and for thousands of years no one knew how effective it was in stopping hair loss and growing it back. But in a new study of 100 people, 50 were given it, and 50 were not... and the people in the rare cinnamon group grew most of their hair back!

Now those 4 ingredients we just covered - Pantothenic Acid, Ginkgo Biloba, Linoleic Acid, and Cinnamomum Zeylancium Bark are MORE than enough to help any man or woman grow thicker, fuller hair FAST...

But of course, we want to offer you the best value possible, so that's not all.

Noor Super Serum also includes Biotin, Castor Oil, Apigenin, Oleanolic Acid, Clary Sage, and more! It would be quite a bit to explain each bonus ingredient in detail, but the important thing is you know it works!
Well, we wanted to make sure Edison wasn't lying when he said that this Super Serum stops hair loss in 4 days and regrows hair extremely fast.

So we decided to give the Super Serum to our client, Rosario. Rosario has been using our vitamins for 6 months now, and is seeing great results, but we wanted to see if the Super Serum would really make a HUGE difference.

Here is what his hair looked like before getting started with the Noor Super Serum (notice the bald spot)
Rosario was losing hair and his bald spot was getting worse

Here's his complete hair journey using Noor's Super Serum:
"The hair loss and thinning stopped. I'm in shock!"
Hi guys ok so i have been struggling with hair thinning and hair loss since i got covid a few months ago. Owen and Angela from Noor gave me this new super serum and WOW! After only 5 days, I have stopped losing my hair. There is no hair in the shower drain, or when I wake up. It's really amazing. It's great! I really hope that my hair will grow thicker and with more volume in the coming weeks. Fingers crossed.
After week 1 of Noor, the hair loss and thinning stopped
"I can feel new hairs coming in!"
Ok it's been 7 weeks with the super serum and I can't get enough of it. I've already asked Owen and Angela to send me a 3rd bottle. The thinning has totally subsided, and I am FINALLY seeing new hairs grow along my edges. My bald spots are also disappearing. It hasn't been an overnight hit or anything like that, but I'm SO HAPPY it's working. I can't wait to see how my hair looks at the end of the third month.
After 7 weeks of Noor, Rosario grew back his hair!
"My girlfriend can't believe my hair!"
I hate to admit it, but my girlfriend used to tease me about my thinning hair and bald spots. But today I came back from the store and she couldn't believe how thick and full my hair looked. She even told me to sit on the couch and started running her fingers through it. I couldn't help but smile. I have finally got back the hair that I really like. I can leave the house and not worry about hats! And it's all thanks to this new Super Serum from Noor. I highly recommend it to ANY man or woman who wants to stop hair loss and regain thick, full and beautiful hair in just a few weeks.
After 4 months, Rosario's girlfriend couldn't believe it!
Good News and Bad News...

First, the good news.

This Super Serum works. And it works GOOD. Now look, we would be lying if we said this super serum can regrow hair within a week.

If you're looking for a miracle solution, this isn't it. Heck, it might not even work for everyone, and we are OK admitting that. We'd prefer to be transparent than to make a quick buck.

But we have so much confidence in it that we will give you a full 180 days to see results, and if not, you get all your money back.

Because while this new Super Serum is not the golden ticket, IT IS better than 99% of the other solution most people have tried. The before and after photos prove it.

Rosario's hair growth story proves it. And seriously, from the bottom of our hearts, we want to make sure that every man and woman struggling with hair loss or thinning has at least a chance to TRY IT.

But unfortunately, there is bad news.

We only have 87 bottles left of the current batch.

Noor is a small independent company, and we don't have the funding to buy 1,000s of units at a time, like the big hair growth companies do.

That's the truth. We no longer make much profit with our products, because we care more that they reach the hands of men and women at an affordable price.

So yeah, that's it. We have 87 bottles of this amazing SUPER SERUM that can help grow your hair and change your life for the better.

And of course, if you're reading this right now, We have an incredible offer for you (assuming you don't see out of stock on the next page)...

Because while we've been told my experts we could sell this Super Serum at $100 or more per bottle...

Today only, you can get the Super Serum at an incredible discount. Saving 35%, for a special price of only 43.5 dollars per bottle!

It's a huge savings.

But remember, we only have 87 bottles, and the next batch will take at least 3 months to make once we sell out.

So we highly recommend that you subscribe. Not just to save money, but to secure your supply of this Super Serum that is in high demand at the time of this writing.

So we urge you to move forward and click "CHECK AVAILABILITY" to see what special bundles we have available in stock. And if so, don't forget to stock up and take advantage of this incredible offer.
The Final Proof: Rosario's Hair Journey with Noor Super Serum
Rosario was not the only one to whom we gave the serum to try it. We also gave it to these clients. You can hear exactly what they have to say, and how it worked for them.
After 4 months, Rosario's girlfriend couldn't believe it!
"I have tried the Noor vitamins and I really like them, but when I tried the Super Serum I couldn't believe it. In a few weeks, most of my hair grew back. I feel much more confident when I leave the house and my hairdresser keeps asking me what I take for my hair. I love it"

Nicole G.

- Miami
“Scalp looking way more full"
Mark saw a big difference with Noor and subscribed
“This new super serum really did the trick for me. I don't know what else to say, just look at the photos I took for Noor. I am a subscriber and I am looking forward to receiving my bottle every month, because my hair keeps getting thicker and thicker."

Mark H.

- Houston
"The best transformation I have ever seen"
Samantha grew her hair past her bra-strap
“In just 4 months my hair grew past my shoulders. I can't believe how fast it grew. and look how much thicker it is too. This serum is amazing. I just started subscribing so I can save money and have more. I have also started to tell my friends about it. Thanks Noor!"

Samantha L.

-- New York
"Friends saying I look 20 years younger"
Kevin's friends say he looks 20 years younger!
“My college buddies says I look 20 years younger. Like how I looked when I was going out meeting girls at the bars. I had no idea how big a difference hair can make! I almost forgot how I looked! It grew back thick, full, and stronger than ever. This super serum is absolutely amazing. I don't think I'll stop using it because it works so well.

Kevin Y.

- Los Angeles
How to use Noor Super Hair Growth Serum
It's very easy and takes less than 30 seconds to do from the comfort of your home.

Just apply 2 or 3 drops in the areas where thinning or hair loss is occurring. Rub them in and leave them to work throughout the day.

You'll practically feel the hair begin to grow as you go about your day!
Very easy to use - works for men and women
Do this every day, or at least 4 times a week.

The results will be shocking with constant use (we recommend at least 7 weeks to see results).
What will happen if you don't buy Noor today?
After helping thousands of women and men around the world achieve their hair goals, we've come to realize that there are two groups of people...

The first type are the ones who take action. When they see an opportunity to transform their hair, live their best life and regain their confidence, they jump at the chance.

These smart people know a great deal when they see one, and they usually stock up on at least 4 bottles. But most importantly, they are consistent.

They follow their routine and the results speak for themselves. They get back the hair they love, and their friends and family are often amazed.
Then there is the other group. The "slackers". These people keep putting off their problems and think will be solved alone. But what will really happen to these people?

Well, the people who don't buy Noor today will continue to experience thinning, hair loss, or hair that simply won't grow.✓

People in this group will continue to try cheap, ordinary solutions in the hope that they will work. But since these ordinary solutions don't combat the real cause of thin or brittle hair? They won't get results.

There is nothing wrong with this. It's your choice. But it personally saddens us to know that these people will continue to struggle for years to come. It's even worse to know that if they simply took action and invested in Noor, they wouldn't have to worry anymore!
Take action today and feel more confident with thicker hair!
It's a choice for any person to be an action taker or a procrastinator.

But for people who are dedicated to their hair goals and are ready to take the first step to regain the thick, full hair of their dreams... we encourage you to go ahead and click "Check Availability" today.
Angela + Owen
Noor Creators
About Noor
We started Noor 3 years ago because we realized that no solution on the market combats the real cause of thinning hair, hair loss or hair that doesn't grow, so we did something about it and created Noor!

We know that no matter what your age is having beautiful, thick, full hair is key to experiencing and enjoy life to the fullest.

Since 2018, we've helped hundreds of thousands of people achieve long, thick, voluminous hair naturally, so they can feel amazing every day!
100% Satisfaction, 180 Days Money Back Guarantee.
You are fully protected by the 180-day money back guarantee, no questions asked.

We believe that EVERY person should have the opportunity to have amazing, thick, beautiful hair, WITHOUT risking a penny.

That's why everyone has a full 6 months to try Noor and see the extraordinary results. Enjoy!

Q: How long does it take to get results?

A: Results vary from person to person, but most people begin to see results after 4 days of use * New baby hairs begin to appear and existing hair becomes thicker by week 7, which is why the minimum amount of bottles you can purchase is 2 (or a monthly subscription). We don't want to sell customers only 1 bottle, because we KNOW it takes at least 7 weeks to see those first amazing results, and we hate the idea of someone only buying 1 bottle and not seeing the results they want!* That said, best results are obtained with longer use.

Most people who report the best results use Noor for 6 months.

It is true that friends and family will love the look of the hair after only 3 months, it is smart to get 6 months to see a total transformation. Many who use Noor for 6 months say their hair feels better than it has in years*.

The best part is that our 180-day money back guarantee means you can buy the 6-month supply to SAVE BIG, and not worry at all because you can always return it.

Q: Will it work for me and my hair type?

A: Noor contains scientifically proven ingredients that work on anyone. It doesn't matter if a person is 30 or 70 years old* No matter what their current hair looks like, what type of hair they have, or where they come from, it will work*.

Q: How can I use Noor?

A: 2 or 3 dropper applications per day. or at least 3 days of constant use. Applications can be made at night or in the morning.

Q: Why can't I buy 1 bottle? Why did I need to subscribe or buy 2 or 4 bottles?

A: It takes 7 weeks for new baby hairs to penetrate all 7 layers of skin on the scalp. This means the best results appear after 7 weeks, so we require customers to buy at least 2 bottles, or at least subscribe and save money with our monthly plan, so it's 100% guaranteed you see results. We hate the idea of you buying only 1 bottle, not seeing the results you wished for, and then giving up. Since the best results appear after 7 weeks, we want you to use Noor for AT LEAST 2 months to see a true transformation. You won't regret it! Stock up now while there is still stock available!
Q: Will this cause any negative side effects?
A: The short answer is no! Most people report no side effects ✓.
Q: Will my hair fall out when I stop using Noor?
A: No, you don't have to worry about that with Noor. If you are not consistent with Noor, the results may be slower, but you won't see any additional hair loss!

This is one of the reasons many smart people stock up on Noor and order the 6 month package, so they can be consistent and see the best results.

There's nothing worse than seeing consistent results and then coming back to order more and running out of stock!
Q: Does Noor ship automatically every month?
A: Of course not! We don't expect anyone to commit to that kind of agreement. No, you simply place the order once. However, most people love the results and reorder! NOTE: If you order a subscription, then yes, it will autoship. BUT, the cancellation process is very easy.

If you have questions, contact us!

If you need to contact us with further questions, comments, testimonials or suggestions, please email us at All emails are generally responded to within 24 to 48 hours, except on weekends and holidays. For all other correspondence:

Noor contact information:

UNIT 329
TAMPA, FL 33602
United States

+1 (813) 461-4156
✓ This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*Results are not guaranteed, individual results may vary.

*People in these videos and photos were compensated for their Noor review.


The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease, or to prescribe medication or supplements. Only your health care provider should diagnose your health care problems and prescribe treatment. None of our statements or information, including health claims, articles, advertisements or product information, have been evaluated or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The products or ingredients referenced on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult your health care provider before starting any supplement, diet or exercise program, before taking any medication or receiving treatment, especially if you are currently under medical care. Be sure to read all product labels and packaging carefully before use. If you have or suspect you may have a health problem, do not take any supplement without first consulting and obtaining approval from your health care provider.

Copyright © Noor Hair 2021. All rights reserved.