As Seen On

See It To Believe It
Real-World, Real-Women Results.

said they saw less shedding and fallout**
said their hair looked healthier**
said their hair felt strong and more resilient**
**Based on 180-day consumer study of 20 participants using Noor Hair
Does Noor's Healthy Hair Formula Work For Everybody?
How Does Noor’s Healthy Hair Formula Work?
How Is Noor’s Healthy Hair Formula Different From Other Brands?
When Should I Expect To See Results?
How Do I Take Noor’s Healthy Hair Formula?
Will Noor’s Healthy Hair Formula Make Me Grow Hair On Other Parts of My Body?
Do Noor’s Healthy Hair Formula Come With A Satisfaction Guarantee?
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Clinical Research List
1. Do Noor’s Healthy Hair Vitamins work for everybody?
2. Do Noor’s Healthy Hair Vitamins work for everybody?
3. Do Noor’s Healthy Hair Vitamins work for everybody?
4. Do Noor’s Healthy Hair Vitamins work for everybody?
Find your perfect hair routine
Set your hair up for success with a personalized hair wellness ritual